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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Beachin' It

I decided to take a vacation from the city life and head to the beach with a group of my friends. On Thursday night, we caught a bus at 10:30pm (yes, the p.m. is correct) and rode the bus for ELEVEN hours. Although the bus ride wasn't terribly fun, we arrived Friday morning to a small, and very cloudy, beach town called Canoa. We checked in to our hostel and then ate breakfast with another group of gringos who were also studying abroad in Quito. After a long run on the beach (a wonderful break for my lungs from the high altitude of Quito), we read in hammocks on the beach, even if it was cloudy and cold. At night we cooked pasta at our hotel, which was cheap and delicious.

With our homeade meal!

Saturday morning I went for another long run and then spent the rest of the day alternating between eating and reading on the beach. Unfortunately, we had bad luck with the weather and there was 0 sunshine all weekend. Still, it was perfect to have a relaxing weekend sans the sunburn.

Sunday morning we woke up early and caught a bus at 7:30am (which is apparently the only bus in Ecuador that actually leaves early). The long bus ride back (8 hours) gave me plenty of time to read the entire 7th Harry Potter book.

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