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Friday, October 28, 2011

Puppies, Postre Pizzooki, Película, y Pizza!

After a long week of classes, Thursday was a day to de-stress. After class I went to Luis’ house because his two golden retrievers just had 9 puppies! They only opened their eyes about 4 days before we saw them, so they were still really tiny. 

Me with the cutest thing in the world (besides Emma, of course)
At night, I invited all of the girls in the program over to my house for a movie night. At first we ordered pizza and then we made a Pizzookie, which is a doubled recipe of chocolate chip cookies pressed into a small pan, barely baked, and then covered with two tubs of vanilla ice cream on top. The idea is to eat the whole thing because you can't save it and although it was probably THE most delicious thing I’ve had, we all felt sick afterward from eating so much. Regardless, it was completely worth it just to witness our excitement when we plopped the first tub of ice cream on top. After stuffing ourselves, we finished girls' night by watching Moulin Rouge.
"When the ice cream dropped"

With the 2 tubs of ice cream. Pure bliss

The painful aftermath.

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