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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Más tiempo con la familia

As the semester starts to draw to a close, I have been making a conscious effort to spend more time with family here. The host family experience has been the best part of my time in Ecuador and it's something that I'll definitely miss!

Tuesday was 6 de diciembre (the founding day of Quito), and therefore another vacation day. Pablo and the family came over for the day. It was another great day of playing with Gabriel, the baby, and helping Emeliano in his constant quest for sweets by making a cake (we get along very well, despite the age difference).

Wednesday night I skipped my FLACSO class in order to go to Cumbayá with my host mom to see Martin, the oldest boy of the family, play in his piano concert at his colegio. The kids (from 3rd to 10th grade) played great American, Christmas, and Ecuadorian pieces and were extremely cute in the process. A couple of interesting things that I noted about Martin's colegio: there were more English signs than Spanish ones, the colegio was huge and really nice, and that almost every child was light skinned. Considering the high percentage of Afro-Ecuadorians and indigenous people in Ecuador, I thought it was really interesting to see so many white people. I don't want this to sound racist, but considering my class is all about afro and indigenous rights, I thought that this was the perfect example about the large class difference in this country. Just something to chew on!
Martin is the one in the very back, relatively in the center of the photo

The group of pianists

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