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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The tale of the bruised hands

After my day spent with the bioplaguicides and extracts living the farm life, I spent Saturday and Sunday in Quito.

Kaya and her family were nice enough to invite us over for paella and sangria for lunch on Saturday. Sorry Dad, but you've got some big competition now. After the incredible lunch, we hung out on one of (not kidding, TWO) of the family's greenhouses.
The work of art: paella

Noah, Kaya's host dad, me, Hannah, Kaya, and Andrés livin' it up in the greenhouse
That night I went over the Hannah's house and we watched the world's best combination of movie: rom-com AND Christmas. If your mind isn't already blown, watch Crazy, Stupid Love because it was most excellent.

Sunday morning my alarm rudely went off at 6:45am, but vale la pena because I met up with Katie S. and her host family to finally go biking. After questioning my physical fitness abilities (phew, I passed) Katie's host brother and Dad took us to El Chaquiñán, which is a 30 kilometer trail through Cumbayá and Tumbaco that follows old train tracks. We had THE most beautiful morning and enjoyed the 5 hour bike ride across mountains, over bridges, through tunnels, and with several refreshment stops along the way. Although the ride was beautiful, our super classy bikes (read: $5 for the day) weren't too cushion-y and although my butt wasn't hurt (score!), my hands were raw and bruised for the next couple of days.
(Photo from Google)

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