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Thursday, August 25, 2011

El Cambio de las Estaciones

So before my trip to Quito, Ecuador, I did some research about the climate, food, culture, geography, etc. Other than discovering lots of promising new food (come on...everyone that knows me realizes that I love food), I kept reading about the interesting climate in Quito. Because Quito is located on the Equator, most people generally think that it has a hot, tropical climate. In reality, the climate is quite the opposite. Since the city is located 2,800 meters above sea level (just a liiiittle different than Wilmington, right?), the temperatures usually range from the low 50s to the 80s. Although this temperature is pretty much perfect, what makes Quito different is that there is such a large range in temperatures each day. In the mornings and at night, it can be 51 degrees and later 83 degrees in the middle of the day. As a result of this, many QuiteƱos say that in Quito, one will experience the four different seasons every day.

Obviously, this is the reason that I named my blog "El Cambio de las Estaciones" or in English, "The Change of the Seasons." The other reason that I named my blog this is because throughout this entire study abroad experience, I am hoping to experience a lot of personal change. Not only am I going to live on a different continent, in a city that I have never been to, but I am also going to be speaking a language that I barely know. Other than improving my Spanish skills, I also want to grow as a person and become more knowledgeable, more accepting, and more inquisitive. Hopefully all of these changes that I will undergo will be for the best, but if not, I can always give up hope and just transfer to UNC ;)

1 comment:

  1. cracking up at your last sentence. ecuador sounds amazing. good luck this semester!!!
