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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

La Mitad del Mundo

In the morning we visited La Universidad Politécnica Salesiana where we're going to take 3 of our classes.

In the afternoon we rode to La Mitad del Mundo, the Equator. We had a great lunch and then went to Volcán Puluhua, which is a dormant volcano that is REALLY high up. Like you could see the clouds between the mountain tops.

Afterward we went to a museum on the Equator and saw a bunch of cool tricks. If you are doubtful, it is indeed true: the water does spin different directions on either side of the Equator. The guide had water in a bucket with a drain and moved it to the right of the line and the water and leaves turned clockwise. He then moved it to the other side of the line and it went counterclockwise. Finally, he put it directly on the line and the leaf went STRAIGHT down. He also showed us other things, like balancing an egg on a nail and walking in a straight line along the Equator because both are easier on the line.

Next we went to the giant monument (La Mitad del Mundo)...which is actually about 100m off from the actual Equator. But's still really cool!

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