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Sunday, August 28, 2011

No entiendo nada....

After my first night in Quito, I had breakfast with my host parents and then we went to the center of the city. We walked around and looked at the major churches and the cathedral and all of the different buildings. Everything was beautiful- and so different from the U.S.!
      Afterwards we came back to the house and ate lunch, which is the biggest meal of the day. We had a bunch of typical Ecuadorian dishes including locro (a soup), choclo (corn), and fritada (pork) and a pineapple fruit smoothie to drink.
      Later in the day we went to the Duke office where we met everyone else in the program (there's a total of 19 students). Afterwards we drove and had a coctail and the merienda (dinner, but is MUCH smaller than the dinner in the U.S.) and finally drove on La Chiva Cultural, a tour bus, around the city at night.
      After this long day I realized that my Spanish is NOT as good as I thought it was. Hopefully after 4 months of being immersed in nothing but Spanish, it will get a lot easier!

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