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Saturday, November 19, 2011

More pizza, food and puppies!

Sometimes when you're really stressed out and things aren't going your way, you just have to sit down with some comfort food and cuddle with pets to improve your mood. Or if you're studying abroad and your biggest stress is deciding between going to the beach or going to the Amazon rain forest over the weekend, sometimes you just want to eat some pizza and play with puppies.

Tuesday began normally with an exceptionally exciting Curso Principal (please read my sarcasm here). But after class, I went with Katie and Tori to the Foch in order to watch the fútbol game being played in Quito that we could not attend. After an Ecuadorian win (si se puede!), we went to a pizza restaurant to meet with one of the study abroad directors from Duke. Free pizza, pasta, and wine guarantee a happy group of study abroad students.

Wednesday night was another night of free food (my fave, as you all probably know). Jacqueline's parents, who were visiting for the week, took us out to a delicious Mexican restaurant. For dessert (okay, the SECOND dessert), we indulged in the sweet treat of visiting with Luis' golden retriever puppies.
The fan club with 8 of the puppies
With 3 beautiful biting babies
Mom, can we keep them??
Next in the works: vamos a la playa a Montanita!

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