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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Culturalism: Baking and Jazz edition

On Wednesday I went shopping with my host mom and got ingredients to make some American desserts. My friends Jacqueline and Victoria came over and together we made a chocolate chip, Oreo crust, cheesecake. Nomz. Although some of the ingredients tasted a little bit different, the cheese cake was incredible.

After baking, Jacqueline and I went to Teatro Sucre, which is in the historical center of Quito, to see a jazz concert. The inside of the theater was beautiful (it reminded me a little bit of Thalian Hall in Wilmington) and the music was even more beautiful. The first group was a band called Big Band de Jazz del Conservatorio Nacional de Música and consisted of 20-25 musicians who played songs like "The Pink Panther," the Rocky theme song, and lots of others that I did not recognize. The next group, Gabacho Connection, was from Spain and consisted of 5 musicians. Although I liked their music, Jacqueline and I both agreed that we like the first band better.

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