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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

La Cascada de San Rafael

Sunday morning my family and I woke up early and drove to una cascada- a waterfall. My friend Tori joined us on the lonnnnng trek. We thought it was only an hour away, but it turned out to be three. Although the entire trip was beautiful (think Nat Geo beautiful), it was extremely mountainous and curvy and my stomach was NOT the biggest fan of the voyage. However, once we got to the waterfall, it was definitely well worth it. The waterfall is called San Rafael and it is the biggest waterfall in Ecuador. The only sad thing is that in less than a year, through the Coca Coda Sinclair Project, the water is going to be diverted in order to create hydroelectric power. Knowing that this magnificent waterfall will soon be no more was really sad, but only made it more special that I got to see it.

If it isn't already really obvious, I like to include a lot of pictures. Hey, I am, after all, a photographer.

A picture with my host dad and I!!

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