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Sunday, September 11, 2011

(Viaje a Otavalo): Norte América- El mejor país del mundo

On Friday and Saturday I went with three of my friends to a small town north of Quito called Otavalo. It was a two hour bus ride (which only costs $2!) and along the way, a man told success stories of crippled people. His stories were heartwarming, but it was pretty funny when my friend Noah gave him some money and informed him he was from the U.S. because the man got really excited. He started shouting, "North America! The prettiest country in the world. I love the country of North America! North America is the best country in the world!" My friends and I thought it was pretty comical- especially since we were sitting next to a Canadian.

After the bus ride, we checked in to our hostel and took a nap. Later we got Chinese food for dinner (omgz have you heard that Ecuador has the best Chinese food in the world?? No, but it was actually really good) and went to a great pie shop afterward. Although the owner judged us (we got four different types of pie and would take a bite and pass them around, but the process also included many "mmm's!" and "yuuuum's") it was quite delicious. Next we went to a little amusement park where we played a ring toss game for bottles of different types of alcohol (the U.S. needs to get on Ecuador's level...this could be the new beer pong at frat parties) and a dart game (where the prizes included bags of potato chips, single Coke bottles, and horrific key chains).

The last thing we did that night was go to a concert. For only $3 we each got a rose and got the chance to listen to two hours of beautiful music. Here's a pic:

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