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Monday, September 12, 2011

Otavalo: Market Day

The next morning in Otavalo was the big market. Otavalo has a market everyday, but Saturdays are the biggest market. Additionally, the first weekend in September was the Harvest Festival, so it was an even bigger market. We thought we would only need two hours at the market, but ended up shopping for four hours. There was every type of trinket you could ever imagine and hundreds of different stalls.

In order to buy anything, you HAD to bargain. I definitely wasn't very good at bargaining (plus the fact that it was in Spanish didn't really make it any easier), but I managed to get tons of gifts and all for a cheaper price than the first offered price! Here's a picture of my friend Noah bargaining for some veggies:
Afterward I had my first experience with street food! For only $2, it was incredible, albeit a little bit awk to eat next to the giant pig carcass...
After the market, we walked to the Peguche Waterfall. Although this waterfall was tiny in comparison to San Rafael, it was still beautiful.

We were so tired after our long day of shopping that we ended up sitting on some rocks by the waterfall and eating the fresh raspberries, carrots, and string beans that Noah had purchased in the market. Pure bliss.

Finally, if you're not already jealous, here's a picture of the beautiful countryside in Otavalo:

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